Saturday, October 29, 2011

Money Saving Ideas

Here are just a few ideas that I employ to help save money in the long run. 

I make my own laundry detergent (if you would like for me to post the recipe, just let me know)
I use vinegar as laundry softener (if you would like more info, let me know)
I buy dry beans instead of canned beans.  I cook them and then freeze them in 1-2 cup servings and pull them out when I need them. 
I try to hang a lot of my laundry out a clothes line.  Besides the fridge, the dryer is one of the appliances that uses the most energy.

These are just a few ideas that I use.  If you have anymore, please share them.  I believe we would all want to learn ways to save money here and there.

I'm Back

Ok, so I know I have been gone for awhile.  I honestly thought about quitting this blog because I thought no one was reading it.  I figured I would give it one more shot.  I plan on doing a few things differently and see how it goes.  Life has been crazy hectic around here between work and the kiddos.  Hopefully, they will be slowing down soon.  So, please let me know that you are out there in blog land.